Thursday, August 31, 2006

Blood Drive

It has taken me longer than expected to slow down this week enough to process my thoughts on my experience with the blood drive. But, I will try to begin getting my ideas out. Give me feedback.

Galations 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me."

Blood is the life force of all living beings. Blood keeps our bodies going. If it is not circulating through our body, we die. Lose too much of it and we'll die. Hence the need for blood to be donated so that when others are injured or going through surgery, there is replenishment for their loss.

As I gave blood, I realized as the life (blood) was draining out of me, I will be able to give life to someone else. Someone who doesn't even know me. I went through some mildly irritating conditions, frustrations, and pain (I still have the bruises by the way). I still bear the scars of the ordeal I went through that day.

You, who are smarter than me, have probably already made this connection long ago: I see a parallel to Christ's life here. Disclaimer: I do not think I in any way, came even close to Christ's experience on the cross (dying for us). Read on for an explanation. Christ gave His life for us so that we might have it. The blood flowed freely for us. As I look at the small sacrifice I made for someone, and the hope that I have that it will save someone's life- I can't begin to imagine all the thoughts that Christ/God/The Holy Spirit have for me and for everyone when I cause evil, pain, or suffering (the cross being a reflection of these).

When I finished giving of my life (blood), I was in need of being replenished and was offered something to eat and drink. My mind went immediately to "The Lord's Supper." Those who are thirst and hungry can drink Christ's water and eat of his body and never be thirsty again (combination of ideas here, hope you'll let me make the leap). I found in the eating snacks and drinking juice a different perspective of "communion" with God. He replenishes my soul, gives me strength to make it through the day, courage to fight my fears and doubts. Among countless other things, "The Lord's Supper" is a representation of this.

I found in this experience a new appreciation for the sacrifice of Christ. I found a way to practically die and live with Christ. And probably more importantly, it was a huge reminder to keep my eyes open to all that God does in this world, and how it is a reflection of the way He created this world and bring grace into the picture.

So, go give blood. Experience Christ's love in a new way. Help me process and grow by leaving a comment for me with your thoughts.

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