Thursday, June 12, 2008

looking to heaven

I've had a fairly crisis-free life. I'm not saying I haven't experienced pain or death of people close to me, I have. But, most, if not all were due to "normal life experiences." This has led to a "here and now" type of thinking, because of the prominantly good life. Lately, I have noticed some small and large things that have changed this thinking to an anticipation of heaven. Some of these were just hearing a story about a child finding a gun, playing with it, and shooting themselves (what a unnecessary tragedy)... a person from my church back home committed suicide this week (I haven't even had a chance to talk to the family yet, since I just found out about midnight last night... but I know their hearts are broken)... there are others, but this is sufficient. So, I've found myself praying this prayer lately: "Come, Lord Jesus... Come Quickly!"
Do you pray this prayer, find yourselves weary of this world and its pain, or have other insights into situations like these for me?


Jake said...

We were talking about this with one of the guys who runs our missions agency, about a young girl who died just before going to the field. His words really stuck with me-- he said (paraphrasing), "Yeah, when I was young it was hard to think about looking forward to heaven, because this life seemed pretty easy. The older I've gotten and the more I've seen, I don't really have that problem anymore."

mandy said...

yes. totally.
you know, i think that's one of the reasons that the early church fathers thought He'd be coming back sooner than later.
they just couldn't deal with it anymore!

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