Wednesday, March 25, 2009

prayer for children

One of my projects for my Spiritual Formation class includes writing a prayer-poem/song for Isaiah (our son due to be born in June).
For those of you with your own children...
For those of you who know kids that you care about...
What do you pray for them?
I'd like advice not only for this project, but for myself as a father.


Shannon said...

We pray for August to know his purpose, and that God would begin now to knit together a passion for the people in the world who are in need, both spiritually and physically. We also ask for August to have a tender, sensitive heart in order to be able to know, understand, and relate to the people he meets.

mandy said...

I ain't got no babies. But I did write a song for one if I ever do have one. :)
What a powerful homework assignment. WOW

Dan Underwood said...

Mandy- just curious... is there something in the water at your seminary also, or is it just Asbury? It's funny, when I was at college, what was "in the water" was marriage. Now, when I'm in seminary, it's pregnancy. What will be in the water when I leave seminary and go to full-time ministry?
Shannon- Those are some wonderful prayers. I am thinking and praying some of the same things. Purpose- that's so important. Not something I've started including yet... now I will.

josh said...

often, nearly every night, either when we're putting noah to bed or going in to check on him before i go to bed, it's one (or both) of two things:

one, i pray that he'll grow in wisdom and in faith.

two, i'll lean down real close and whisper "your mommy loves you, your daddy loves you, and God loves you." not really a prayer, i guess, but really it is. i simply want him to know that he's loved.

Dan Underwood said...

Josh- these are great prayers... ones that I've been praying for the kids I work with at the church and will pray for Isaiah also.

I just read about a mother praying for her sons that they would recognize God's voice. Wow! what a prayer, it's so hard to recognize His voice, but imagine if we were praying for those we love every day to have that ability... oh, the possibilities.

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